Wororoj Market , The Night Local Food Street Market

Wororoj Market, the night local food street market in Chiang Mai.


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Chiang Mai is not famous only for the tourist attractions around the Chiang Mai area. However the local life style and the way of life of the local people is one of the thing that you could find here. Instead of traveling to the mountains , temples or where else. Local markets are also the interesting places for you to stop by and see the local life of the locals. In the day time there are many things happens in the markets which you could see and enjoy taking photos. However night life in the markets themselves are also facinating to see and to try once.

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We had mentioned about the biggest local market in Chiang Mai once , the market called ” Waroroj Market” for the day time visit. If you still enjoy with the local life style and local food, the night time is also good to visit as well. After the busy days. You could find the local food and try as much as you prefer. Food , Thai dessert , fruits and more. This is the heaven of the food taster as well.

It might be the good idea for you to add Wororoj Market night time in one of the evening if you love and enjoy with the local life. So you could find the real taste of local and see how life is going in the evening for the local people. Feel Thai local taste , feel the taste of the local life style.


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