Pai Pai Mai? Wanna go to Pai?

Could you say that sentence? It is Thai karaoke for persuading you to visit the small town called “ Pai ”. The town is located in Mae Hongson. This small town could be accessed by cars within 5 hrs. driving. Along the way, there are many places for you to stop by and enjoy the scenery with nature. Many people try driving to Pai, some riding the scooters themselves. Some have a private car rental with the driver which could enjoy more and relax. Some could spend the time chilling out with full information with the package tours which you could combine the trip like Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai and Pai, Mae Hongson together in one trip. Pai town is small with more varieties of nature and culture because the area is closer to the border of Thailand and Myanmar. There are Morn people (One of the minorities), Burmese and also the local Thai living together with harmony. In term of the mixed culture, you could also see for the architecture from temples and some buildings in the town itself. This is what Pai could offer not only the beautiful of the architectures, but also the varieties of food which you could try and compare. It could be one of the food lovers, you could visit if you like to try some new kinds of food.

For the nature sites in Pai, you had better spend some nights so that you could enjoy it. Most of the famous places in Pai that you might have heard about are Pai canyon or Kong Lane for you to walk over and see the nature of the soil erosion and forest. Lod Cave where you could see and explore the caves and enjoy with the Soro Brook Carp fish which swim by while you are taking the long bamboo rafting into the cave to explore the 3 chambers. Kew Lom View point where you could see the nice view of the mountains which includes Doi Inthanont, the highest peak of Thailand. The Iron bridge which dated back to the 2nd World war as well as Mae Yen Temple, the small temple with the sunset view and overlook Pai town. These are only some of the famous sites in Pai, but there are more that are not mansion. Try to visit Pai once, you may like and would love to repeat the visit.

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