Kew Mae Pan Nature Walking Trail

Kew Mae Pan Nature Walking Trail. We couldn’t deny that many people love walking in the forest and nature. Seeking for the cool breath, the trees and green area as well as peacefulness in the way that the nature could heal all the negative energy away from us even it would be just for a while in the forest. In the atmosphere where you could stand still, close your eyes and listen to the nature music, the whisper from the wind that flow in the space between trees to trees as well as the sound of the grass that move along while the wind flows by. In Thailand, we would think only a place up on the highest peak of the Thailand. Of course, we are talking now about Doi Inthanont National Park of Thailand and of course we would think about the famous walking trail which give us a chance only 5-6 months a year from November to May. Then from June to October as it is the time for the nature trail could rest and form the diversity once again to keep the eco-system.

As informed this beautiful walking trail located on the peak of Doi Inthanont National Park of Thailand. It takes an hour and a half from Chiang Mai city by car. Once you reach the place, we suggested you to go the very peak first to see the summit point with 2,565 meters above the sea level before you start a walk.  Kew Mae Pan walking trail is about 3 kilometers in a circle. The trail is mixed between the walk in the forest and the open space. During the walk you could also stop by the view point for the panoramic view with the cool breeze. With the wild open fields from the view point, there is the path about a meter wide for you to walk along the ridge or a cliff which is also make your heart bumping with adrenaline. You could also see Rhododendron with their colorful flowers. This kind of flowers would be seen only in the highest peak of Thailand here at Doi Inthanont as there is always cool climate and good for the flowers. If you are lucky, you might have a chance to see the deer down below as they sometimes love to lay on the rock for sun bathing. Who knows? You might be the lucky one!

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